Artists: The Cicadas of Creativity

For the past several days, I've found myself reflecting on Aesop's timeless fable concerning the ants and the grasshopper. The narrative unfolds with a diligent group of ants tending to the grain they had industriously gathered during the warmer months. Their work is disrupted when a starving grasshopper arrives, fiddle in hand, and implores them for sustenance. The ensuing exchange went as follows:

"What!" exclaimed the Ants in astonishment, "have you not set aside provisions for the impending winter? What occupied your time throughout the preceding summer?"

"I simply couldn't find the time to store food," lamented the Grasshopper, "I was so engrossed in creating melodies that the summer slipped away unnoticed."

The Ants responded with a dismissive shrug.

"Engaged in the art of music, were you?" they retorted. "Very well; now it's time to dance!" With that, they turned their backs on the Grasshopper and continued with their diligent labors.

A renowned Brazilian author named Monteiro Lobato, took the liberty to re-imagine this fable, infusing it with a unique perspective. In his adaptation, the ants, upon encountering the humble grasshopper (a female cicada in the Brazilian version), express gratitude for the joy she brought into their lives with her songs, which eased the burden of their toils. In a heartwarming gesture, they extend an invitation to the cicada for a sumptuous feast, wholeheartedly acknowledging her role in providing them with entertainment.

This fable will likely strike a deep chord with people like me, artists who make the conscious decision to step away from the comfort and security of a traditional job in favor of pursuing our dreams as art makers. In this journey, we willingly forsake the path of conventional financial stability, boldly venturing into the unpredictable terrain of artistic expression. Our mission is to bring forth the breathtaking beauty that originates from the depths of our imaginative minds, with the world as our eager audience.

Much like the Brazilian ants who recognized the cicada's unique contribution, we, as artists, aspire to receive acknowledgment and appreciation for our unwavering dedication to the arts. Our fervent hope is that our relentless pursuit of creativity, our commitment to shaping and sharing our unique visions, will be valued and celebrated. Just as the ants expressed their gratitude by feeding the cicada during times of scarcity, we envision a world that recognizes the intrinsic value of art and culture, offering support and appreciation in return for the artistry that we pour into our work.

By choosing the path less traveled, we become the modern-day cicadas, sharing our music, our paintings, our performances, and our stories with a world hungry for the profound and the beautiful. It is through our creative expressions that we hope to inspire, provoke thought, and ultimately bring joy and enrichment to the lives of those who experience our art.


How Artmaking Breathes Life into Your Soul